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Program is a set of instructions written in a specific sequence for a computer to accomplish a 
given task. The process of developing a program is therefore referred to as programming.
A Microcomputer may be described as a digital device that reads binary coded data from its 
inputs, manipulates this data according to a program stored within its memory, and 
subsequently produces information at its output.

This is a state of being a mother or providing care during and immediately before and after 
childbirth. In hospital maternity department takes care of expectant mothers during and after 
Advantages of maternity hospital birth
1. It may be the safest option. If you’re considered high-risk, it’s the safest childbirth 
environment for you and your baby. Ditto if an unforeseen complication arises during 
labor (such as a prolapsed cord or placental abruption, for example).
2. It’s close to an operating room. If you need a cesarean section (either planned or 
emergency), it’s the only place you can have one. And you won’t have to be transferred 
mid-labor if it looks like you’ll need one — you’ll just have to move from your birthing 
room to the operating room.
3. It offers the most advanced technology. On-staff pediatricians and, in many hospitals, 
sophisticated newborn medical technology is available should your baby need immediate 
medical care.
4. You have easy access to pain relief. Anesthesiologists on staff are almost always 
available to provide pain relief medications as you request, from epidurals to narcotics.

Aims & Objectives
 Introduction
 History
 Anatomy and Physiology
 Principle
 Application
 Operation
 Maintenance & Cleaning
 Safety Precautions
 Troubleshooting

Water is probably the most commonly used laboratory reagent and is often taken for granted. In fact, water is often not even regarded as a “reagent” in the same way as other commonly used chemicals. It is one of the best solvents known to science and has an almost unique ability to dissolve, to a greater or lesser extent, almost every chemical compound. Even the most “insoluble” materials will, in fact, dissolve to a level of a few micrograms per litre, sufficient to interfere with many laboratory procedures.

While water companies are required to supply tap water fit for human consumption complying with specific drinking water regulations, for the scientist it is grossly contaminated containing a wide variety of different, often unknown material which varies from location to location.